A Gold Pass member asked whether there was simple program at Markplex.com that issued an alert when a manually drawn line (i.e. drawn using the drawing tools) was crossed by price. This quick tip demonstrates how to create such a program in the following two videos.
Of course, you can also create an alert on the actual manually drawn line by selecting the line, right-clicking and selecting the Alert tab. Doing this programmatically offers greater flexibility and the ability to perform other operations as well as the alert.
The two programs developed in the quick-tip are available to Gold Pass members for free download, below. Make sure that you are logged into your Gold Pass account.
Video part 1 | Basic setup
Video part 2 | Using Charting Host
When using these programs make sure that Alert is enabled. This is done by clicking Format-Analysis Techniques, selecting the program and then the Alert tab. Click the ‘enable alert’ check box.
Gold Pass area

Technical lessons
Technical lessons include:
- Detecting drawing objects on a chart, by type
- Detecting when the chart is clicked
- Changing the color of an object
- Creating an alert