TradeStation EasyLanguage Quick-tip 82 uses a paint bar study to detect when the user has drawn a rectangle on the chart to ‘select’ bars. It plots the consecutive bars indicated by the rectangle and calculates the high and low values of the range. These values are added to the chart as text objects.
The quick-tip uses the same technique used in tutorial 188 to select bars. This quick-tip does not do the volume analysis.
The paintbar study described in this quick-tip is available for immediate download for $19.95 by clicking the ‘add to cart’ button below. You may pay using PayPal or a credit card. (If you are a Gold Pass member see below.)
Download the quick-tip 82 TradeStation EasyLanguage PaintBar study free for Gold Pass members
If you are a Gold Pass member you can copy the tutorial code below, please make sure that you are logged in with your Gold Pass user name and password.

Notes about using the Quick-tip 82 program
- The program is a PaintBar study designed for TradeStation 10
- ‘Update value intra-bar’ should be selected (see image below)
- A value of MaxBarsBack has to be set with the program because of the way TradeStation behaves when clicking on the chart. Make sure that you have sufficient data loaded. If it doesn’t appear to work correctly, load more data
- If the rectangle is drawn around a bar that doesn’t exist (for example at the end of the chart), the program will generate an error
- This quick-tip is designed for minute type bars
- It will not work on MultiCharts

Available Colors
AliceBlue | DarkSlateGray | LightSalmon | PaleVioletRed |
AntiqueWhite | DarkTurquoise | LightSeaGreen | PapayaWhip |
Aqua | DarkViolet | LightSkyBlue | PeachPuff |
Aquamarine | DeepPink | LightSlateGray | Peru |
Azure | DeepSkyBlue | LightSteelBlue | Pink |
Beige | DimGray | LightYellow | Plum |
Bisque | DodgerBlue | Lime | PowderBlue |
Black | Firebrick | LimeGreen | Purple |
BlanchedAlmond | FloralWhite | Linen | Red |
Blue | ForestGreen | Magenta | RosyBrown |
BlueViolet | Fuschia | Maroon | RoyalBlue |
Brown | Gainsboro | MediumAquamarine | SaddleBrown |
Burlywood | GhostWhite | MediumBlue | Salmon |
CadetBlue | Gold | MediumOrchid | SandyBrown |
Chartreuse | Goldenrod | MediumPurple | SeaGreen |
Chocolate | Gray | MediumSeaGreen | Seashell |
Coral | Green | MediumSlateBlue | Sienna |
CornflowerBlue | GreenYellow | MediumSpringGreen | Silver |
Cornsilk | Honeydew | MediumTurquoise | SkyBlue |
Cyan | HotPink | MediumVioletRed | SlateBlue |
DarkBlue | IndianRed | MidnightBlue | SlateGray |
DarkBrown | Indigo | MintCream | Snow |
DarkCyan | Ivory | MistyRose | SpringGreen |
DarkGoldenrod | Khaki | Moccasin | SteelBlue |
DarkGray | Lavender | NavajoWhite | Tan |
DarkGreen | LavenderBlush | Navy | Teal |
DarkKhaki | LawnGreen | OldLace | Thistle |
Dark Magenta | LemonChiffon | Olive | Tomato |
DarkOliveGreen | LightBlue | OliveDrab | Turquoise |
DarkOrange | LightCoral | Orange | Violet |
DarkOrchid | LightCyan | OrangeRed | Wheat |
DarkRed | LightGoldenrodYellow | Orchid | White |
DarkSalmon | LightGray | PaleGoldenrod | WhiteSmoke |
DarkSeaGreen | LightGreen | PaleGreen | Yellow |
DarkSlateBlue | LightPink | PaleTurquoise | YellowGreen |