Quick-tip 64 demonstrates the use of the Global Dictionary. In this tutorial the values of two moving averages from two rows in RadarScreen are stored in a GlobalDictionary using a sender program (_Quick-tip64-Send) and then they are read by a receiver program (_Quick-tip64-Receive) in real time. The sender program is applied twice to Radarscreen with different lengths.
The values are read from the Global Dictionary using another program (_Quick-tip64-Receive) and plotted on the receiving chart.
The syntax for creating a global dictionary varies depending on how the global dictionary will be used. To share values beyond the same window type (e.g. between a chart and RadarScreen) OR between two charts when multi-core charting is enabled.
myGD = GlobalDictionary.create( True, "share_name" );
The Share parameter value of TRUE or FALSE controls whether interprocess sharing is enabled or disabled.
See Tutorial 161 for a similar project.